Use of R/V Auk

Research Vessel Auk side profile
Research Vessel Auk side profile. Photo: NOAA

All plans to use R/V Auk must be arranged through the Vessel Operations Coordinator (VOC). All missions need to include a sanctuary staff team leader.

Step 1: Complete and return the Ship Time/Mission Request Form at least one month prior to mission date. If any foreign national passengers are expected, an additional NOAA approval must be secured; this is a 45-day process for a one-day mission and 60 days if the foreign national passengers will be part of a mission of three days or more.

Step 2: Complete and submit a Cruise Plan/Float Plan Form to the VOC at least one week prior to the scheduled mission date. The mission will be cancelled and the date reassigned in the absence of a completed cruise plan.

Step 3: Complete and submit Emergency Contact Forms to the VOC for all passengers (at least one week before the mission for all non-sanctuary passengers, even if they have been out on R/V Auk previously).

Foreign Nationals: Any researchers or observers/guests from other nations planning on using the R/V Auk need to get official clearance. Processing should start with the sanctuary sponsor/sanctuary principal investigator. This process may take upwards of two months, so plan accordingly.

Diving Operations If you wish to dive from the R/V Auk, please see detailed information in our For Researchers section.