Emergency Response

The sanctuary acts as a resource trustee during oil spills or other emergency situations that could potentially impact sanctuary resources. In the event of an emergency, this page will be updated with information pertaining to status of the emergency, media inquiries, volunteer opportunities and other important information.
To be better prepared for such an emergency, the sanctuary has gathered important data about resources and capabilities, coordinated with other agencies, and assigned tasks for individual staff members. An oil/chemical spill contingency plan is revised every three years with the U.S. Coast Guard, the agency in charge of any response, and other partner organizations.
To report an oil spill or other environmental emergency please call the National Response Center (NRC), 1-800-424-8802. If you have questions regarding incident response in the sanctuary please contact:
Ben Haskell
Emergency Response Coordinator and Deputy Superintendent
Phone: 781-424-0699
Email: ben.haskell@noaa.gov