Domestic and Foreign Guests

Sanctuary staff members welcome visitors to the facilities in Scituate, Massachusetts, but be aware that we do not offer exhibits at the headquarters buildings. Visitors can obtain posters, newsletters, and other informational products. All visitors must sign in.
Volunteers (U.S. citizens) working on sanctuary projects in sanctuary facilities must complete a volunteer form, be fingerprinted, and be cleared by NOAA to use NOAA equipment, such as computers. Visitors working on projects in a partnership between the sanctuary and another organization must be a duly authorized employee or volunteer of that partner organization. Individuals visiting sanctuary facilities as guests of the sanctuary may make use of the public spaces if accompanied by a member of the sanctuary staff.
Foreign nationals participating in sanctuary programming for less than a three-day period must submit identification information to the sanctuary office for a NOAA security clearance at least 48 hours before arriving. Foreign nationals planning on participating in programs of three days or more (including educational programs) in sanctuary facilities or the research vessel must submit appropriate documentation at least 60 days in advance. Contact for forms and guidance. It would be best to start planning several months in advance.