Reporting a Suspected Disturbance

If you think you are witnessing a wildlife disturbance, do not approach or contact the suspect on your own. This also applies to any activity that could be classified as unlawful.
Report any incident or disturbance as soon as possible. Specific information is essential and must be accurately documented and reported. Photographing or video recording a wildlife disturbance incident is important in order to confirm details of the incident afterwards.
To report a safety/security incident or a potential violation of fisheries/marine mammal laws as it is happening, call NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement at 800-853-1964 or contact the U.S. Coast Guard on marine radio Channel 16.
To report a whale in distress (vessel strike or entanglement), call NOAA's Protected Resources Hotline at 866-755-NOAA (6622). Check additional options on our emergency contact list.